9 Common Misconceptions About Arranged Marriages.

9 Common Misconceptions About Arranged Marriages.

Whenever non-Indian people hear about arranged marriages, they think it is a regressive, backwards and stupid way to enter a lifelong partnership that’s supposed to be about love.

Far from the truth!

So today we are going to bust some common misconceptions about arranged marriages.

Arranged marriages are a match of equals. They imbue traditional values and are fit for those who are too busy to date or belong to a particular community or could not find a spouse from their social circle.

Hence, use a Bengali matrimony site and get hitched to a person from the same background, status and outlook as you.

You Can’t Find True Love in an Arranged Marriage

Give us the exact definition of true love before you say that!

Arranged marriages are the meeting of individuals, who may not know each other at first, but who agree to get married based on mutual kindness, respect, friendship and companionship. It sounds a lot like the decent kind of love, most people are looking for in a relationship and not the lust that they are confronted with most of the time.

You Will Marry Someone You Barely Know

No, you will not.

You will go on a couple of dates first, talk to the person in a frank and open manner about your expectations from the marriage. Typically, such marriages even have a year of courtship and longer engagements for the couple to work out where they stand. So, you will enter an arranged marriage with your eyes open and only after you achieve some comfort level with the person. To find the spouse you always wanted try this best Bengali matrimony site.

There Are Plenty of Fakers

There are more fakers in the dating world than in the arranged marriage world.

You don’t need verified statistics to know this. Just look around your friend circle. So who opts for an arranged marriage? Not losers and ugly people. Instead, someone who can’t find a suitable spouse within their social circle, someone with a traditional bent of mind, or someone who never had time to date. Hence, such people are serious-minded and won’t be fakers.

Arranged Marriages Don’t Work

But, they do!

Statistics prove that arranged marriages end in divorce lesser than other kinds of marriage. So, if you opt for this kind of marriage, expect it to last. In an arranged marriage both partners know that they have to adjust with each other for the long run. Hence, they are more accommodating of each other and kinder to each other. Since the expectations are low, they are more likely to be pleasantly surprised.

Arranged Marriages Are Forced

No, they are not forced.

Not unless you are living in a village somewhere that hasn’t moved with the times. Both parties in an arranged marriage do meet, their families and friends meet and they talk. They spend a lot of time chatting as they need to get to know each other better. You can walk out at any time whenever you spot a red flag you don’t like. And the best part is that there are no broken hearts. In an arranged marriage, the last thing you give away is the most precious thing to you: your heart.

It Takes a Lot of Adjustment

Every and any kind of marriage takes a lot of adjustment at first, not just arranged marriages.

Arranged marriages have one advantage. It is that no partner can complain that the other changed after marriage which is the most common complaint in love marriages. So, while arranged marriages can be risky at first, things will eventually smoothen out.

It Is Regressive

Arranged marriages are hardly regressive.

They were common in the 1900s in Europe and were the order of the day among the royalty there. Hence, they are not regressive, rather, practical, uncomplicated and simplified. It may lack romance initially, but eventually, both partners can find a way to bring the romance they always wanted in their lives.

Arranged Marriages Do Not Take the Consent of Women

This is absolutely false unless you are living in a rural and regressive community.

Modern-day arranged marriages take the consent of women. In fact, no self-respecting father will allow his daughter to marry unless she is absolutely comfortable with the match. Times have changed, and the modern urban arranged marriage is very different from those of the past.

Parents arrange the match

Not always.

Nowadays, people find their true love on matrimonial sites like a Bengali matrimony site. They set up their own profiles, arrange their own dates and meet like a regular date. Parental consent is a vital aspect of marriage, but parents do not impose marriage on their children anymore.


Arranged marriages are a beautiful, traditional, and sensible way to get married. They have evolved considerably from the arranged marriages of the past. Nowadays, they are equivalent to dating apps without the sleaze and lust. Hence, use the best Bengali matrimony site to find your future spouse.

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